December 18, 2021 3 min read

Nearly a year passed, we had gone through many ups and downs with mixed emotions. Thank God that we are healthy, our family are happy and furry friends are still friendly with us. 
Due to the differences in gathering and travelling than it used to in the past, we also have many activities which are created for Holiday reunions. Hope that your familyis filled with joy and laughter this Christmas by these indoor games.

Christmas Picture Bingo

Printable Christmas Bingo Game - The Many Little Joys
This game is suitable for both kids and adults, simply use this Christmas printable bingo which includes an array of typical items on this holiday. Printed images and bingo paper, crayons should be prepared.
We also can create a homemade Christmas image bingo game by drawing related pictures on Christmas. To play, a host just pulls different images from a bag and lets the players see the picture.

Jenga Tower Game

The Jenga Tower Game is quite challenging because the players have to be really meticulous and careful to make sure that there will be no collapse when you remove the blocks.This game is not only for entertaining yourself but also connecting your family members.
Setting up the tower by stacking the blocks in sets of three, each new layer of the three parallel blocks should be rotated 90 degrees along the horizontal from the bottom to the top. After all, just start the game and enjoy the Christmas time.

Candy Canes Hunt

The kids won’t hide their exciting faces if they take part in an interesting game like this. What we need are lots and lots of candies which depends on how many participants.
Conceal a selection of candy canes around your house to find out the best hunter. We suggest that you should use different sizes of candy to make the hunt harder.
Door handles, Christmas tree, behind a cushion, on the grass
in the shed,.. are hiding places that you can utilize for this game on Christmas
. Let’s try it and see how your family members react!

Christmas Song Quiz

This game seems to be easy as pie for music addicts. But it's more challenging than you think! 
Make a list of Christmas songs that you want to use. Family members divide into two teams and choose a host who will lead a whole game. Each team recommends a member to demonstrate the name of the song just by their body language. The rest of the team have to guess what the song is. The winner is the one whose total songs are higher.

Guess The Smell

18 DIY Ways to Make Your Home Smell Like Christmas - Christmas Scents
It’s definitely a simple but entertaining game to pull together. Imagine how funny it is to watch our brothers and sisters try to guess what is in the jar. You can gather any kinds of things which remind you the smell of Christmas likes Pinecone, Chocolate, Peppermint Candy, Gingerbread,...
Put them into a jar and cover it carefully before the game starts. Then have the participants of the game close their eyes or blindfold them. Mixing the smell is one way to level up this pastime.

Trust Or Dare?

100+ Best Truth or Dare Questions for Your Next Party | Man of Many
Back to the history of this game, it was said that Truth or Dare originated from a Christmas game. Nowadays, this game is becoming more popular and played by adults on many occasions.  
You can start this game at any corner of your house, on the dining table or even on the floor. A must-have item for playing Truth or Dare is just a bottle. The beginner spins the bottle in the middle of the circle. As spinning stops, the player who is at the top of the bottle will be asked by the one at the bottom that he or she chooses “Truth or Dare”. 
If they answer “Truth”, they must respond to the question honestly. On the contrary, the others in this game may request them to do anything except confession. 

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